Fretboard Theory is a music theory system made specifically for guitarists.
It focuses on the fretboard and explains how popular guitar songs work.
If you wonder how Eric Clapton knows which scales to play or how Jimmy Page knows which chords to combine, this is the course for you.
Before I share the juicy details about this amazing program, you need to understand that it's not for beginners.
Fretboard Theory is for intermediate to advanced level guitarists who have no trouble playing complete songs using open chords, power chords, and barre chords.
If you still need to get your general playing skills in order, click here to enroll in a course appropriate for your level.
Back to our originally scheduled program…
Playing guitar is one thing. Understanding what you play is another.
For example, it’s one thing to memorize a riff from a song using tablature, but it’s another thing to know in which scale the riff is played.
The guy who knows the scale might be able to figure out the riff by ear and then improvise a solo with it.
Likewise with chords. The gal who understands how chords go together can quickly figure out a song’s chord progression and then play various forms of the chords all over the fretboard.
Whether you want to learn songs or create your own music, you’ll do it better when you know how things go together.
There are relationships between scales and chords. Certain things fit together like puzzle pieces on the fretboard.
Music follows well-worn trails. When you get to know these trails, you go places.
The right kind of music theory is like a light to your feet so you never get lost.
So, what exactly is the “right kind of music theory”? It depends on your interests and playing goals.
The system works by mapping everything out on the fretboard. You see how shapes and patterns connect on the fretboard grid.
These connections are what guitarists rely upon to navigate the neck, improvise and compose.
If you’re looking for a traditional music theory course that is taught from a piano player’s perspective and emphasizes the reading of standard notation and the playing of classical music and show tunes, look elsewhere.
If you want to know why the opening chords to “Stairway to Heaven” work so well together or how Carlos Santana creates such expressive melodies, keep reading.
Fretboard Theory includes over 30 hours of video instruction. The video is organized into two levels that are each broken up into ten chapters. Each chapter focuses on a particular subject you need to know in order to master the styles of your favorite players.
Below is a summary of the first ten chapters.
Fretboard Theory Volume 1
After you complete Fretboard Theory Volume 1, you take your playing to the next level in Volume 2. The second level delves deep into composition techniques such as modal interchange, lead guitar techniques such as chord tone soloing, plus harmonic minor, passing chords, pedal point, and more. And true to the Fretboard Theory philosophy, you won’t waste your time learning overly-complicated and useless information. Everything you learn is pulled straight from familiar songs by popular artists.
Sign up for the Fretboard Theory course today to get the most effective guitar theory training available. Develop your playing and understanding of music into something you’ll be proud of, and do it for far less than you'd pay for traditional guitar lessons.
Are you ready to rock?
"Do you want to play guitar on another level or just memorize a few chords and a couple of rhythms? If you want to know why you have never been able to progress further in your abilities and understanding of music, then Desi Serna’s material is mandatory. Understand the “why” and “how” music works.
Want to jam with people you haven’t practiced with? Then click the “purchase” button already. This material doesn’t just teach you to play popular songs, it teaches you guitar theory… and from your newly gained knowledge, YOU can play the popular songs.
Obviously, everyone works at a different pace, but I finished the first 9 lessons in a short period of time. When I reached lesson 10, I was blown away by what I had learned."
- Shad, Fretboard Theory student
"I have been playing the guitar off and on for a number of years and never seemed to progress beyond a certain point. I have purchased books and videos which taught me how to play particular riffs, scales or chords, but I still ended up not really understanding what I was doing.
As a result, I would start playing for a while and get frustrated by the fact I only had pieces of a puzzle and not a picture. Then I would put the guitar away until the next time I got the urge to really learn how to play.
However, when I decided to buy Fretboard Theory I found a system that actually helped me begin to really understand how things fit together. What I found most useful was how both the practical and the theory were emphasized, and that it was necessary to apply the theory to playing songs to really understand it.
The book references songs where the theory is applied and you can actually see the theory in action. More often than not I would find myself thinking, “Ah, that is what he is doing”. I was also impressed enough by the book that I purchased the videos that augment it. I found the combination of the book and the videos work well for me, and I am beginning to move in the direction I want to for the first time."
- MJC, Fretboard Theory student
"I have been playing guitar somewhat consistently for 25 years. “Fretboard Theory” clarified and illuminated so many concepts for me.
For instance, (before Fretboard Theory) I looked at the CAGED system a number of times, but found it uninteresting, and did not know how to apply it. Now, (after Fretboard Theory) I love the system, understand how it fits with the major scale, its arpeggios, and how to use it.
Playing guitar is my outlet and hobby; when reading and working through Fretboard Theory, I got so excited, and I felt my mind was getting the recreation it needs. There was something about gaining understanding and fitting puzzle pieces together that was absolutely therapeutic. Listening to the songs Desi lists in every section, and hearing the concept applied is more than satisfying. Desi clearly has put incredible thought into how to sequence and explain the material. It is brilliant.
Several times I would have questions as I started a new concept in the book, and then the next paragraph would answer my question. The author is also very accessible. I highly, highly recommend Fretboard Theory. It is crucial for anyone serious about guitar and anyone who wants to be."
- Pep, Fretboard Theory student
"Five years ago, I knew nothing about partial chord formations, lead patterns, the CAGED system, arpeggios, etc., and was limited to playing 'cowboy chords' in the first position. Your guitar theory course helped me get past that plateau and is honestly the most comprehensive & digestible that I’ve found anywhere on the internet. Thanks for your excellent work. I know I’m just one of the many folks that have benefitted from it."
- Sam V., Fretboard Theory student
“FINALLY someone who explains music theory in a manner I can get. After years of being at a certain skill level, I am finally moving on.”
- Jeff C., Fretboard Theory student
“The Fretboard Theory System is a MUST for any guitarist who wants to attain the full potential of knowing what they can do and where they can go in expressing themselves with their instrument!”
- Todd R., Fretboard Theory student
“I learned more in 30 minutes of Fretboard Theory than I did in taking 3 years of lessons with a really good guitar player.”
- Caulbert S., Fretboard Theory student
"About four years ago I was stuck with my guitar playing. I stopped enjoying what I could play because everything sounded the same. Then I stumbled upon Fretboard Theory. My playing has never been the same since. People are always excited to hear me play. The transformation has been amazing. Thanks, Desi!"
- Christian K., Fretboard Theory student
Hailed as a “music-theory expert” by Rolling Stone magazine, Desi Serna is the author of several instructional guitar books and video courses. He hosts one of the most popular guitar podcasts on the Internet and has millions of views on YouTube. Desi is known for his practical, hands-on approach to music teaching, with a focus on the guitar fretboard and emphasis on popular songs. He honed his craft through decades of teaching, performing, and publishing. He lives in the Nashville, Tennessee area, and works full-time managing his website and related content.
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